The FICAM Solution for Identiv’s Hirsch Velocity

Simple. Affordable. Optimal performance.

FICAM White Paper

An End-to-End Solution Addressing the Typical Pain Points Associated with FICAM Compliance

Identiv’s end-to-end Federal Identity, Credential, and Access Management (FICAM) solution has been developed to address an industry-wide problem of how to implement FICAM simply and with optimal performance. In today’s physical access world, existing FICAM solutions are expensive, slow, and increasingly difficult to set up. Identiv’s conceptual approach to FICAM — and the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 201 Topology Categories: PACS Infrastructure, Validation System, and Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Reader — is faster and less expensive than the competition. Fill out the form and get the free white paper today.

“Long known as the premier provider of access control and security management systems for government agencies and facilities, our Hirsch government team has applied the expertise built over the years to our Velocity-based FICAM-compliant solution. Any of the thousands of doors or portals our systems control in the government space can be easily upgraded to FICAM compliance without the cost and hassle of a forklift upgrade, as we leverage virtually all of the existing Hirsch system infrastructure.”

- John Piccininni